Mobile Photography Tricks With The iPhone Zoom Lens

It is common for anybody to pick up an iPhone and take pictures of whatever they see around, but it takes more than just the skills to capture truly great images. It is actually very easy to take good pictures with an iPhone, and even more so when you have accessories like the iPhone zoom lens to help you out in tricky photographic situations. You must know about the important details on exposure, focus, editing and composition.

Read on to discover some of the most essential techniques that every mobile photography enthusiast should know.

Keep the Lens Clean

Your iPhone spends a lot of time in your bag, pocket or hand, and as a result, it is bound to get greasy and dirty. The dust, dirt, fingerprints and grease is going to have a big effect on the quality of your pictures. There is absolutely no point in taking pictures when the lens of your phone is dirty. It is going to give you blurry images by blocking the light from entering the sensors of your camera. A clean lens on the other hand is going to ensure clear and sharp images with your iPhone.

It is very important for you to clean your lens every time you want to take a good picture. The best way to do that would be by using a soft lens cloth, since any abrasive cleaners are going to scratch the glass and that is going to result in an even poorer quality picture. Even when you are using an iPhone zoom lens, make sure to keep it clean, not allowing any dirt or dust to settle in.

Set the Focus

One of the most important things to look out for when you are taking a photo is to make sure that the subject of your image is in sharp focus. To get the focus right, all you need to do is tap the screen exactly at the point where you subject is in the frame. The appearance of a tiny, yellow square is going to confirm the point of focus.

In case the subject is moving around, you need to make sure to tap the screen right before you take the picture. This is going to ensure that they are in focus, just the way you want them to be. Once you are happy that you have got a nice and clear picture of the subject, you can more attention to them by using different apps that allow you to blur the background.

Adjust the Exposure Manually

When you are setting the focus on your subject with the iPhone camera lens, the camera is going to set the exposure in the shot as well. The exposure simply refers to how dark or bright the image is going to be. However, it is not always ideal to let the camera decide the exposure. Use the manual exposure slider to set the exposure to your desired level, which matches with the theme and ton of the image.

These are some of the things that you need to remember when you are using an iPhone camera lens for photography. Capture the best shots with these tips in mind and please the photographer in you!
